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2013-12-03 15:15

The devil`s Picturebook - Tarot, Paul Huson

Fick hem min nya bok idag och ville dela med mig av citat ur prologen:

[…Whether you know it or not, each time you pick up a deck of playing cards you are putting your soul in immediate danger of hellfire. So the church once said. The tarot were the medieval prototype for our present day deck…]

[…Worse still, within the cards lurked devil disguised as kings and heroes. To quote a seventeenth-century moralist on this point:
”The playe of cards is an invention of the Devill, Which he found out that he might the easier bring in ydolatrie amongst men. For the King and Coate (court) cards that we use now were in old times the image of idol and false gods: which since, they that would seem Christian, have changed into Charlemaigne, Launcelot, Hector and such like names, because they would not seem to imitate their idolatrie therein, and yet maintain the playe itself”
This indicates the connection between playing cards and witchcraft. That witches practiced rites drawn from old pagan cults is becoming more and more common knowledge. That remnants of these old cults have boldly remained on display for all to see down the ages is not so well known…]

Källa: The devil`s picturebook, The complete guide to Tarot cards: their origins and their usage, sid 9, Paul Huson, 2003.

Står det att läsa i prologen till boken ❤️😃 Som jag förstår går den djupare in på symbolik och historia bakom varje kort än ”hur man spår”. Av det jag har läst hittills är jag glatt överraskad, vi får se om jag tar upp fler citat och exempel när jag har kommit en bit längre.

2013-12-03 19:38

fortsätter lite

"[…Anthropologists generally recognize two fruitful places to search for this pagan remnant. First, within the contemporary religions, in this case Christianity. Here the gods and spirits of the old cult often will be found to have become rewoven into the fabric of the new, often as saints,[…] ministering angels […] and demons, like the devil himself. Second, they can be looked for in the field of folklore…]"

Källa: The devil`s picturebook, The complete guide to Tarot cards: their origins and their usage, sid 10, Paul Huson, 2003.

2013-12-04 08:56

Det här lät som en väldigt rolig och intressant bok, kanske något jag ska sätta upp på min att-läsa-lista :)

Fred och god växt!

2013-12-28 23:08

Låter som en mycket intressant bok!
Varifrån har du köpt den och vad fick du ge?

Igår gjorde jag ingenting och blev inte klar, så jag fortsätter idag!

2013-12-29 14:22
2013-12-29 20:25

Tack för länken.

Igår gjorde jag ingenting och blev inte klar, så jag fortsätter idag!

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